. └── Kingdoms and Castles.app (1 Entries) └── Contents (6 Entries) ├── Frameworks (5 Entries) │   ├── UnityPlayer.dylib (26MB) │   ├── libMonoPosixHelper.dylib (325KB) │   ├── libcrypto.dylib (2.0MB) │   ├── libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib (4.7MB) │   └── libssl.dylib (388KB) ├── Info.plist (1.5KB) ├── MacOS (1 Entries) │   └── Kingdoms and Castles (8.8KB) ├── MonoBleedingEdge (1 Entries) │   └── etc (1 Entries) │   └── mono (6 Entries) │   ├── 2.0 (5 Entries) │   │   ├── Browsers (1 Entries) │   │   │   └── Compat.browser (1.6KB) │   │   ├── DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx (61KB) │   │   ├── machine.config (29KB) │   │   ├── settings.map (2.6KB) │   │   └── web.config (12KB) │   ├── 4.0 (5 Entries) │   │   ├── Browsers (1 Entries) │   │   │   └── Compat.browser (1.6KB) │   │   ├── DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx (61KB) │   │   ├── machine.config (34KB) │   │   ├── settings.map (2.6KB) │   │   └── web.config (19KB) │   ├── 4.5 (5 Entries) │   │   ├── Browsers (1 Entries) │   │   │   └── Compat.browser (1.6KB) │   │   ├── DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx (61KB) │   │   ├── machine.config (34KB) │   │   ├── settings.map (2.6KB) │   │   └── web.config (19KB) │   ├── browscap.ini (312KB) │   ├── config (3.3KB) │   └── mconfig (1 Entries) │   └── config.xml (26KB) ├── PlugIns (6 Entries) │   ├── FileBrowser.bundle (1 Entries) │   │   └── Contents (2 Entries) │   │   ├── Info.plist (1.3KB) │   │   └── MacOS (1 Entries) │   │   └── FileBrowser (65KB) │   ├── Steamworks.NET.txt (239B) │   ├── libGalaxy64.dylib (18MB) │   ├── libGalaxyCSharpGlue.dylib (682KB) │   ├── libProcessStart.bundle (62KB) │   └── steam_api.bundle (1 Entries) │   └── Contents (2 Entries) │   ├── Info.plist (1.1KB) │   └── MacOS (1 Entries) │   └── libsteam_api.dylib (609KB) └── Resources (5 Entries) ├── Data (21 Entries) │   ├── Managed (149 Entries) │   │   ├── 0Harmony.dll (114KB) │   │   ├── Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll (3.0MB) │   │   ├── Assembly-CSharp.dll (2.1MB) │   │   ├── GalaxyCSharp.dll (397KB) │   │   ├── I18N.CJK.dll (680KB) │   │   ├── I18N.MidEast.dll (29KB) │   │   ├── I18N.Other.dll (32KB) │   │   ├── I18N.Rare.dll (171KB) │   │   ├── I18N.West.dll (66KB) │   │   ├── I18N.dll (32KB) │   │   ├── ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll (201KB) │   │   ├── Ionic.Zip.dll (462KB) │   │   ├── Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.dll (4.9MB) │   │   ├── Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.dll (2.7MB) │   │   ├── Mono.Posix.dll (212KB) │   │   ├── Mono.Security.dll (309KB) │   │   ├── Newtonsoft.Json.dll (404KB) │   │   ├── Rewired_Core.dll (2.0MB) │   │   ├── Rewired_OSX.dll (196KB) │   │   ├── RoslynCSharp.Compiler.dll (20KB) │   │   ├── RoslynCSharp.Examples.dll (28KB) │   │   ├── RoslynCSharp.dll (41KB) │   │   ├── System.AppContext.dll (20KB) │   │   ├── System.Collections.Concurrent.dll (4.6KB) │   │   ├── System.Collections.Immutable.dll (359KB) │   │   ├── System.Collections.dll (5.1KB) │   │   ├── System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll (257KB) │   │   ├── System.Configuration.dll (125KB) │   │   ├── System.Console.dll (34KB) │   │   ├── System.Core.dll (1.0MB) │   │   ├── System.Diagnostics.Debug.dll (4.6KB) │   │   ├── System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.dll (23KB) │   │   ├── System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.dll (23KB) │   │   ├── System.Diagnostics.Tools.dll (4.6KB) │   │   ├── System.Globalization.dll (5.1KB) │   │   ├── System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll (23KB) │   │   ├── System.IO.Compression.dll (99KB) │   │   ├── System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives.dll (23KB) │   │   ├── System.IO.FileSystem.dll (23KB) │   │   ├── System.IO.dll (4.6KB) │   │   ├── System.Linq.Expressions.dll (6.7KB) │   │   ├── System.Linq.dll (4.1KB) │   │   ├── System.Numerics.dll (114KB) │   │   ├── System.Reflection.Extensions.dll (4.6KB) │   │   ├── System.Reflection.Metadata.dll (585KB) │   │   ├── System.Reflection.Primitives.dll (5.1KB) │   │   ├── System.Reflection.dll (5.6KB) │   │   ├── System.Resources.ResourceManager.dll (4.6KB) │   │   ├── System.Runtime.Extensions.dll (5.1KB) │   │   ├── System.Runtime.InteropServices.dll (7.7KB) │   │   ├── System.Runtime.Numerics.dll (4.6KB) │   │   ├── System.Runtime.Serialization.dll (928KB) │   │   ├── System.Runtime.dll (13KB) │   │   ├── System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms.dll (40KB) │   │   ├── System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding.dll (23KB) │   │   ├── System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives.dll (23KB) │   │   ├── System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.dll (39KB) │   │   ├── System.Security.dll (184KB) │   │   ├── System.ServiceModel.Internals.dll (215KB) │   │   ├── System.Text.Encoding.CodePages.dll (5.1KB) │   │   ├── System.Text.Encoding.Extensions.dll (4.6KB) │   │   ├── System.Text.Encoding.dll (5.1KB) │   │   ├── System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll (26KB) │   │   ├── System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.dll (4.6KB) │   │   ├── System.Threading.Tasks.dll (5.6KB) │   │   ├── System.Threading.Thread.dll (22KB) │   │   ├── System.Threading.dll (5.6KB) │   │   ├── System.ValueTuple.dll (78KB) │   │   ├── System.Xml.Linq.dll (119KB) │   │   ├── System.Xml.ReaderWriter.dll (5.1KB) │   │   ├── System.Xml.XDocument.dll (5.1KB) │   │   ├── System.Xml.XPath.XDocument.dll (25KB) │   │   ├── System.Xml.XPath.dll (23KB) │   │   ├── System.Xml.XmlDocument.dll (23KB) │   │   ├── System.Xml.dll (3.1MB) │   │   ├── System.dll (2.7MB) │   │   ├── Trivial.CodeSecurity.dll (37KB) │   │   ├── Trivial.Mono.Cecil.Mdb.dll (44KB) │   │   ├── Trivial.Mono.Cecil.Pdb.dll (87KB) │   │   ├── Trivial.Mono.Cecil.dll (346KB) │   │   ├── Unity.Analytics.DataPrivacy.dll (7.7KB) │   │   ├── Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll (32KB) │   │   ├── Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll (19KB) │   │   ├── Unity.TextMeshPro.dll (370KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.AIModule.dll (45KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.ARModule.dll (13KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.AccessibilityModule.dll (12KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll (65KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll (146KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.AssetBundleModule.dll (22KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll (58KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.ClothModule.dll (15KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.ClusterInputModule.dll (10KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.ClusterRendererModule.dll (9.2KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll (1.0MB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.CrashReportingModule.dll (9.7KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.DSPGraphModule.dll (18KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll (13KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll (36KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.GridModule.dll (14KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.HotReloadModule.dll (8.7KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.IMGUIModule.dll (157KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.ImageConversionModule.dll (13KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.InputLegacyModule.dll (26KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.InputModule.dll (12KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.JSONSerializeModule.dll (11KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.LocalizationModule.dll (9.7KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll (135KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.PerformanceReportingModule.dll (9.2KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.Physics2DModule.dll (106KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.PhysicsModule.dll (87KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.ProfilerModule.dll (8.7KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.ScreenCaptureModule.dll (9.7KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.SharedInternalsModule.dll (19KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.SpriteMaskModule.dll (10KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll (14KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.StreamingModule.dll (9.7KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.SubstanceModule.dll (14KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll (17KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.TLSModule.dll (8.7KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll (81KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.TerrainPhysicsModule.dll (9.7KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll (186KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.TextRenderingModule.dll (28KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll (25KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UI.dll (227KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll (731KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UIModule.dll (24KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll (77KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UmbraModule.dll (8.7KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll (33KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UnityConnectModule.dll (11KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UnityTestProtocolModule.dll (8.7KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll (12KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll (11KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll (44KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestTextureModule.dll (11KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestWWWModule.dll (20KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.VFXModule.dll (39KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.VRModule.dll (35KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.VehiclesModule.dll (13KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll (29KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.WindModule.dll (9.7KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.XRModule.dll (54KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.dll (86KB) │   │   ├── com.rlabrecque.steamworks.net.dll (366KB) │   │   ├── com.unity.multiplayer-hlapi.Runtime.dll (230KB) │   │   ├── crosstales.dll (77KB) │   │   └── mscorlib.dll (4.1MB) │   ├── Resources (1 Entries) │   │   └── unity_builtin_extra (684KB) │   ├── app.info (31B) │   ├── boot.config (106B) │   ├── globalgamemanagers (3.4MB) │   ├── globalgamemanagers.assets (348KB) │   ├── globalgamemanagers.assets.resS (2.4MB) │   ├── level0 (6.9KB) │   ├── level1 (3.8MB) │   ├── level1.resS (131KB) │   ├── level2 (93KB) │   ├── level2.resS (131KB) │   ├── resources.assets (133MB) │   ├── resources.assets.resS (194MB) │   ├── resources.resource (726KB) │   ├── sharedassets0.assets (17KB) │   ├── sharedassets1.assets (17MB) │   ├── sharedassets1.assets.resS (82MB) │   ├── sharedassets1.resource (307MB) │   ├── sharedassets2.assets (16KB) │   └── sharedassets2.assets.resS (22KB) ├── DefaultPreferences.plist (309B) ├── MainMenu.nib (4.7KB) ├── PlayerIcon.icns (281KB) └── unity default resources (3.4MB)