. ├── Broforce.exe (639KB) ├── Broforce_Data (15 Entries) │   ├── Managed (84 Entries) │   │   ├── Accessibility.dll (11KB) │   │   ├── AlienFXManagedWrapper3.5.dll (8.7KB) │   │   ├── Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll (242KB) │   │   ├── Assembly-CSharp.dll (3.7MB) │   │   ├── Assembly-UnityScript-firstpass.dll (46KB) │   │   ├── Assembly-UnityScript.dll (3.6KB) │   │   ├── BitCode.AssetManagement.dll (20KB) │   │   ├── BitCode.dll (14KB) │   │   ├── Boo.Lang.dll (127KB) │   │   ├── CommonForms.dll (37KB) │   │   ├── Gif.Components.dll (33KB) │   │   ├── GifComponents.dll (102KB) │   │   ├── Mono.Data.Tds.dll (96KB) │   │   ├── Mono.Posix.dll (184KB) │   │   ├── Mono.Security.dll (295KB) │   │   ├── Mono.WebBrowser.dll (172KB) │   │   ├── Rewired_Core.dll (2.0MB) │   │   ├── Rewired_Windows_Lib.dll (867KB) │   │   ├── SonyNP.dll (217KB) │   │   ├── SonyPS4CommonDialog.dll (16KB) │   │   ├── SonyPS4SavedGames.dll (11KB) │   │   ├── System.Configuration.dll (125KB) │   │   ├── System.Core.dll (298KB) │   │   ├── System.Data.dll (856KB) │   │   ├── System.Drawing.dll (449KB) │   │   ├── System.EnterpriseServices.dll (47KB) │   │   ├── System.Security.dll (135KB) │   │   ├── System.Transactions.dll (28KB) │   │   ├── System.Windows.Forms.dll (3.1MB) │   │   ├── System.Xml.dll (1.3MB) │   │   ├── System.dll (1.7MB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.AIModule.dll (31KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.ARModule.dll (21KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.AccessibilityModule.dll (6.7KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll (73KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.AssetBundleModule.dll (4.6KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll (47KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.ClothModule.dll (10KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.ClusterInputModule.dll (5.6KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.ClusterRendererModule.dll (4.6KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll (680KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.CrashReportingModule.dll (4.6KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll (7.2KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll (22KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.GridModule.dll (8.7KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.IMGUIModule.dll (137KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.ImageConversionModule.dll (5.1KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.InputModule.dll (11KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.JSONSerializeModule.dll (4.6KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.Networking.dll (255KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll (104KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.ParticlesLegacyModule.dll (13KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.PerformanceReportingModule.dll (4.6KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.Physics2DModule.dll (72KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.PhysicsModule.dll (62KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.ScreenCaptureModule.dll (4.6KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.SharedInternalsModule.dll (15KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.SpatialTracking.dll (9.2KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.SpriteMaskModule.dll (5.6KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll (5.6KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.StandardEvents.dll (32KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.StyleSheetsModule.dll (11KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll (30KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.TerrainPhysicsModule.dll (4.6KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.TextRenderingModule.dll (22KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll (19KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.Timeline.dll (89KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UI.dll (250KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll (194KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UIModule.dll (17KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll (72KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll (11KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UnityConnectModule.dll (8.7KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll (6.1KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll (35KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestTextureModule.dll (5.6KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestWWWModule.dll (15KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.VRModule.dll (22KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.VehiclesModule.dll (7.7KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll (19KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.WebModule.dll (28KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.WindModule.dll (5.1KB) │   │   ├── UnityEngine.dll (53KB) │   │   └── mscorlib.dll (2.6MB) │   ├── Mono (2 Entries) │   │   ├── EmbedRuntime (2 Entries) │   │   │   ├── MonoPosixHelper.dll (102KB) │   │   │   └── mono.dll (2.1MB) │   │   └── etc (1 Entries) │   │   └── mono (5 Entries) │   │   ├── 1.0 (2 Entries) │   │   │   ├── DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx (58KB) │   │   │   └── machine.config (17KB) │   │   ├── 2.0 (5 Entries) │   │   │   ├── Browsers (1 Entries) │   │   │   │   └── Compat.browser (1.6KB) │   │   │   ├── DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx (60KB) │   │   │   ├── machine.config (28KB) │   │   │   ├── settings.map (2.6KB) │   │   │   └── web.config (12KB) │   │   ├── browscap.ini (312KB) │   │   ├── config (1.7KB) │   │   └── mconfig (1 Entries) │   │   └── config.xml (26KB) │   ├── Resources (2 Entries) │   │   ├── unity default resources (3.6MB) │   │   └── unity_builtin_extra (236KB) │   ├── StreamingAssets (19 Entries) │   │   ├── SaveIcon.png (38KB) │   │   ├── SessionImage.jpg (163KB) │   │   ├── Standalone (1.8KB) │   │   ├── StandaloneWindows (2.0KB) │   │   ├── cutscenes.assetbundle (1.9MB) │   │   ├── expendabros.assetbundle (23KB) │   │   ├── levels.assetbundle (696KB) │   │   ├── networkobjects.assetbundle (823KB) │   │   ├── scenesintro.assetbundle (2.0MB) │   │   ├── scenesintroshared.assetbundle (13KB) │   │   ├── scenesmain.assetbundle (126MB) │   │   ├── scenesmenus.assetbundle (15MB) │   │   ├── scenesmissions.assetbundle (4.6MB) │   │   ├── scenesother.assetbundle (28MB) │   │   ├── scenesshared.assetbundle (43MB) │   │   ├── sharedassets.assetbundle (3.8MB) │   │   ├── sharedsounds.assetbundle (109MB) │   │   ├── sharedtextures.assetbundle (19MB) │   │   └── themeholders.assetbundle (3.0MB) │   ├── app.info (19B) │   ├── boot.config (27B) │   ├── globalgamemanagers (144KB) │   ├── globalgamemanagers.assets (234KB) │   ├── level0 (36KB) │   ├── level1 (6.7KB) │   ├── resources.assets (419KB) │   ├── resources.assets.resS (18MB) │   ├── sharedassets0.assets (20MB) │   ├── sharedassets0.assets.resS (339KB) │   └── sharedassets1.assets (103KB) ├── Levels (5 Entries) │   ├── DefaultRace.bfc (174KB) │   ├── Nebro Example.bfc (57KB) │   ├── Pipes Example.bfc (13KB) │   ├── Riot City.bfc (124KB) │   └── Triggers Example.bfc (3.0KB) ├── TheFreedomEP (5 Entries) │   ├── 1 - Strident - Broforce Theme Song.mp3 (11MB) │   ├── 2 - Deon van Heerden - Star Spangled Banner (Broforce Edition).mp3 (3.9MB) │   ├── 3 - Deon van Heerden - ExpendaBros Theme (Metal Version).mp3 (2.7MB) │   ├── 4 - Deon van Heerden - The Ballad Of Rambro.mp3 (12MB) │   └── 5 - Deon van Heerden - Area Liberated.mp3 (1.0MB) └── UnityPlayer.dll (17MB)