. ├── Galaxy64.dll (13MB) ├── GalaxyCSharpGlue.dll (1.5MB) ├── LakeRidden.exe (23MB) └── LakeRidden_Data (144 Entries) ├── Managed (26 Entries) │   ├── Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll (1.1MB) │   ├── Assembly-CSharp.dll (885KB) │   ├── Fabric.Core.dll (238KB) │   ├── GalaxyCSharp.dll (345KB) │   ├── KdTreeLib.dll (19KB) │   ├── Mono.Security.dll (293KB) │   ├── Newtonsoft.Json.dll (254KB) │   ├── Poly2Tri.dll (35KB) │   ├── ProBuilderCore-Unity5.dll (236KB) │   ├── ProBuilderMeshOps-Unity5.dll (88KB) │   ├── Rewired_Core.dll (1.9MB) │   ├── Rewired_Windows_Lib.dll (1.1MB) │   ├── Sirenix.OdinInspector.Attributes.dll (31KB) │   ├── Sirenix.Serialization.Config.dll (16KB) │   ├── Sirenix.Serialization.dll (187KB) │   ├── Sirenix.Utilities.dll (144KB) │   ├── System.Core.dll (266KB) │   ├── System.Runtime.Serialization.dll (122KB) │   ├── System.Xml.dll (1.2MB) │   ├── System.dll (1.1MB) │   ├── UnityEngine.Networking.dll (254KB) │   ├── UnityEngine.UI.dll (246KB) │   ├── UnityEngine.dll (1.4MB) │   ├── UnityEngine.dll.mdb (450KB) │   ├── mscorlib.dll (2.5MB) │   └── pb_Stl.dll (13KB) ├── Mono (3 Entries) │   ├── MonoPosixHelper.dll (114KB) │   ├── etc (1 Entries) │   │   └── mono (5 Entries) │   │   ├── 1.0 (2 Entries) │   │   │   ├── DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx (58KB) │   │   │   └── machine.config (17KB) │   │   ├── 2.0 (5 Entries) │   │   │   ├── Browsers (1 Entries) │   │   │   │   └── Compat.browser (1.6KB) │   │   │   ├── DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx (60KB) │   │   │   ├── machine.config (28KB) │   │   │   ├── settings.map (2.6KB) │   │   │   └── web.config (12KB) │   │   ├── browscap.ini (312KB) │   │   ├── config (1.7KB) │   │   └── mconfig (1 Entries) │   │   └── config.xml (26KB) │   └── mono.dll (2.6MB) ├── Plugins (4 Entries) │   ├── Galaxy64.dll (13MB) │   ├── GalaxyCSharpGlue.dll (1.5MB) │   ├── libelias.dll (546KB) │   └── steam_api64.dll (249KB) ├── Resources (2 Entries) │   ├── unity default resources (752KB) │   └── unity_builtin_extra (1.7MB) ├── ScreenSelector.bmp (211KB) ├── StreamingAssets (1 Entries) │   └── Main theme A+B (12 Entries) │   ├── 1 Menu Music (2 Entries) │   │   ├── Music for ghosts - Menu Music.ogg (4.3MB) │   │   └── Music for ghosts - Typey+Pushy.ogg (4.6MB) │   ├── 10 The End (9 Entries) │   │   ├── The End - Ambience.ogg (1.9MB) │   │   ├── The End 1 - Sofia string themev2 cello solo.ogg (5.4MB) │   │   ├── The End 1 - Sofia string themev2.ogg (4.5MB) │   │   ├── The End 2 - Sofia string themev2 Solo Melody.ogg (6.2MB) │   │   ├── The End 2 - Sofia string themev2.ogg (6.4MB) │   │   ├── The End 3 - Arrangement pt1.ogg (6.5MB) │   │   ├── The End 3 - Arrangement pt2.ogg (6.9MB) │   │   ├── The End 3 - Arrangement pt3.ogg (6.8MB) │   │   └── The End 3 - Solo Melody.ogg (6.7MB) │   ├── 2 Forest (7 Entries) │   │   ├── Forest(Beat).ogg (7.4MB) │   │   ├── Forest(BeatHeavy).ogg (8.8MB) │   │   ├── Forest(Harp).ogg (9.7MB) │   │   ├── Forest(Pad1).ogg (10MB) │   │   ├── Forest(PadAll).ogg (8.7MB) │   │   ├── Forest(SoloRonroco).ogg (8.9MB) │   │   └── Forest(SophieCelloTheme).ogg (9.2MB) │   ├── 3 Maze (6 Entries) │   │   ├── Center.ogg (2.3MB) │   │   ├── Intro.ogg (2.4MB) │   │   ├── PartA.ogg (2.3MB) │   │   ├── PartB.ogg (2.4MB) │   │   ├── PartC.ogg (2.1MB) │   │   └── RestingPart.ogg (2.3MB) │   ├── 4 Garden (2 Entries) │   │   ├── Garden(1.SpeakyTheme).ogg (4.5MB) │   │   └── Garden(2.AmbientTheme).ogg (4.7MB) │   ├── 5 Estate-Basement-Attic (6 Entries) │   │   ├── Estate (Day).ogg (9.6MB) │   │   ├── Estate-Attic(Main).ogg (9.3MB) │   │   ├── Estate-Basement(Bass).ogg (8.3MB) │   │   ├── Estate-Basement(Both).ogg (9.7MB) │   │   ├── Estate-Basement(Song).ogg (9.7MB) │   │   └── Estate-MasterBedroom.ogg (9.6MB) │   ├── 6 Courtyard (7 Entries) │   │   ├── Courtyard(1.TypeySolo).ogg (3.6MB) │   │   ├── Courtyard(2.LivingQuartersSolo).ogg (4.2MB) │   │   ├── Courtyard(3.SchoolSolo).ogg (3.7MB) │   │   ├── CourtyardDay(1.Minimalist).ogg (2.8MB) │   │   ├── CourtyardDay(1.Normal).ogg (2.6MB) │   │   ├── CourtyardNight(1.Main).ogg (2.6MB) │   │   └── CourtyardNight(2.ElevatorMusic).ogg (2.2MB) │   ├── 7 Lake (2 Entries) │   │   ├── The Lake (day).ogg (12MB) │   │   └── The Lake (night).ogg (11MB) │   ├── 8 RootCellar (4 Entries) │   │   ├── RootCellar (1.Intro).ogg (2.5MB) │   │   ├── RootCellar (2.MainBeforePoison).ogg (8.5MB) │   │   ├── RootCellar (3.AfterPoison).ogg (6.7MB) │   │   └── RootCellar (4.AfterPoisonBelow).ogg (6.7MB) │   ├── 9 Laundry (4 Entries) │   │   ├── Laundry 4 (Slow 64BPM).ogg (6.5MB) │   │   ├── Laundry Entrance.ogg (4.8MB) │   │   ├── Laundry PipeCrawl.ogg (4.7MB) │   │   └── Laundry PoolRoom.ogg (4.8MB) │   ├── Laundry (1 Entries) │   │   └── LaundryWaterAmbience(Looping-Elias).ogg (2.5MB) │   └── Main theme A+B.mepro (51KB) ├── app.info (24B) ├── globalgamemanagers (155KB) ├── globalgamemanagers.assets (16MB) ├── globalgamemanagers.assets.resS (2.1MB) ├── level0 (277KB) ├── level1 (726KB) ├── level10 (13MB) ├── level11 (184KB) ├── level12 (12MB) ├── level13 (841KB) ├── level14 (1.5MB) ├── level15 (1.8MB) ├── level16 (11MB) ├── level17 (18MB) ├── level18 (9.9MB) ├── level19 (4.1MB) ├── level2 (76KB) ├── level20 (1.4MB) ├── level21 (246KB) ├── level22 (6.3KB) ├── level23 (3.1MB) ├── level24 (633KB) ├── level25 (630KB) ├── level26 (5.6KB) ├── level27 (60KB) ├── level28 (97KB) ├── level29 (50KB) ├── level3 (65KB) ├── level30 (34KB) ├── level31 (51KB) ├── level32 (21KB) ├── level33 (35KB) ├── level34 (11KB) ├── level35 (4.9KB) ├── level36 (5.1MB) ├── level37 (23KB) ├── level38 (5.1MB) ├── level39 (237KB) ├── level4 (10MB) ├── level40 (22KB) ├── level41 (5.8MB) ├── level42 (189KB) ├── level43 (2.6MB) ├── level44 (41KB) ├── level5 (137KB) ├── level6 (91KB) ├── level7 (7.7MB) ├── level8 (104KB) ├── level9 (324KB) ├── resources.assets (13MB) ├── resources.assets.resS (74MB) ├── resources.resource (20MB) ├── sharedassets0.assets (3.9MB) ├── sharedassets0.assets.resS (18MB) ├── sharedassets1.assets (39MB) ├── sharedassets1.assets.resS (98MB) ├── sharedassets1.resource (1.8MB) ├── sharedassets10.assets (6.9MB) ├── sharedassets10.assets.resS (172MB) ├── sharedassets11.assets (1.3MB) ├── sharedassets11.assets.resS (21MB) ├── sharedassets11.resource (633KB) ├── sharedassets12.assets (1.0MB) ├── sharedassets12.assets.resS (26MB) ├── sharedassets13.assets (3.0MB) ├── sharedassets13.assets.resS (48MB) ├── sharedassets14.assets (5.8MB) ├── sharedassets14.assets.resS (57MB) ├── sharedassets15.assets (5.1MB) ├── sharedassets15.assets.resS (85MB) ├── sharedassets16.assets (5.0MB) ├── sharedassets16.assets.resS (42MB) ├── sharedassets17.assets (266KB) ├── sharedassets17.assets.resS (1.4MB) ├── sharedassets18.assets (1.1MB) ├── sharedassets18.assets.resS (8.4MB) ├── sharedassets19.assets (1.4MB) ├── sharedassets19.assets.resS (98KB) ├── sharedassets2.assets (123KB) ├── sharedassets2.assets.resS (27MB) ├── sharedassets20.assets (239KB) ├── sharedassets20.assets.resS (699KB) ├── sharedassets21.assets (1.9MB) ├── sharedassets21.assets.resS (26MB) ├── sharedassets22.assets (4.3KB) ├── sharedassets23.assets (542KB) ├── sharedassets23.assets.resS (2.8MB) ├── sharedassets24.assets (524KB) ├── sharedassets24.assets.resS (12MB) ├── sharedassets25.assets (94KB) ├── sharedassets25.resource (63MB) ├── sharedassets26.assets (4.3KB) ├── sharedassets27.assets (6.2KB) ├── sharedassets27.resource (7.6MB) ├── sharedassets28.assets (5.0KB) ├── sharedassets28.resource (2.9MB) ├── sharedassets29.assets (6.0KB) ├── sharedassets29.resource (15MB) ├── sharedassets3.assets (10KB) ├── sharedassets3.assets.resS (9.8MB) ├── sharedassets30.assets (4.7KB) ├── sharedassets30.resource (1.4MB) ├── sharedassets31.assets (4.8KB) ├── sharedassets31.resource (2.6MB) ├── sharedassets32.assets (4.9KB) ├── sharedassets32.resource (1.7MB) ├── sharedassets33.assets (4.9KB) ├── sharedassets33.resource (5.5MB) ├── sharedassets34.assets (4.4KB) ├── sharedassets35.assets (4.1KB) ├── sharedassets36.assets (21KB) ├── sharedassets36.assets.resS (5.2MB) ├── sharedassets37.assets (727KB) ├── sharedassets37.assets.resS (38MB) ├── sharedassets37.resource (1.1MB) ├── sharedassets38.assets (227KB) ├── sharedassets38.assets.resS (12MB) ├── sharedassets39.assets (1.2MB) ├── sharedassets39.assets.resS (787KB) ├── sharedassets39.resource (1.6MB) ├── sharedassets4.assets (8.0MB) ├── sharedassets4.assets.resS (302MB) ├── sharedassets40.assets (38KB) ├── sharedassets41.assets (28KB) ├── sharedassets41.assets.resS (2.8MB) ├── sharedassets42.assets (61KB) ├── sharedassets43.assets (181KB) ├── sharedassets43.assets.resS (7.3MB) ├── sharedassets44.assets (4.3KB) ├── sharedassets5.assets (5.3KB) ├── sharedassets6.assets (1.2MB) ├── sharedassets6.assets.resS (58MB) ├── sharedassets7.assets (4.4MB) ├── sharedassets7.assets.resS (140MB) ├── sharedassets7.resource (353KB) ├── sharedassets8.assets (4.2KB) ├── sharedassets9.assets (1.5MB) └── sharedassets9.assets.resS (7.0MB)