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Release Notes for Strange Horticulture

Update March 2nd 2022

Dear Horticulturists,

We're back with another Strange Horticulture update, focusing on growing our collection of languages and some requested accessibility options! Don't like holding down a mouse button to drag things? Well, you no longer have to!

Additional Language Support

New added languages

Added better fonts for
Additional Accessibility Options

We hope all you French, Italian, Spanish, and Korean-speaking plant enthusiasts will enjoy all the relaxing puzzling Strange Horticulture has to offer.

Thank you Merci Grazie Gracias 감사합니다 谢谢 Спасибо

Bad Viking

Update 1.1.2 - Feb 1 2022

Quick fix for 'can't collect rewards' bug.

The title says it all - if you ran into a rare bug where you were unable to collect plants/items from a map event, this patch should fix it.

Update: Ultrawide Monitors Fix, Plant Color Tweaks, And More! - Fri, January 28

Hey everyone!

It's our first official update! We've got some small but important fixes and tweaks in this one, such as a fix for ultrawide monitors, and some plant color tweaks.

Gameplay adjustments

There are some more gameplay adjustments below, but they may include story spoilers, or spoilers for items received a little later into the game.

Gameplay adjustments - POSSIBLE SPOILERS

That's it for today's patch! Let us know if you've found another pesky bug on the Steam forums, or on Discord.