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Release Notes for Peglin

Happy New Year everyone! We've got our first update of the new year out and it's a little smaller than we'd like it to be given the time since our last content update, so I'm going to provide an update on some of the various things going on right now that might continue to slow us down for the next little bit.

The biggest one is that one of our team members has welcomed a baby girl into the world! We're over the moon excited for them and are giving them tons of time and space to spend with their growing family before getting back into the swing of things.

Next up is planning for events that are coming up in 2023. Various team members are going to be attending different events this year to help spread the gospel of Peglin and help us make useful partnerships going forward, but planning these is unfortunately already eating into some of our development time.

Another big one is preparing for console and mobile releases. Mobile will be coming earlier in the year so that has a bit more of a direct impact already, but even though the console releases are further out they require a decent amount of planning ahead of time so we're seeing some impacts there as well. If you're interested in updates on the upcoming mobile releases, please be sure to join our Discord and subscribe to the relevant roles!

Transitioning to the new year also takes up a surprising amount of time, with all of the paperwork and taxes that need to be done as well as planning for the upcoming year. We're definitely feeling some of the pain of being such a small team so we're figuring out how we can potentially hire some more people or companies to help keep things running smoothly (with less interruption when a teammate gets busy or has to step away for one reason or another), but we'd like to do so in a way that lets us keep the tiny team charm that (in my opinion) has helped Peglin become the entertaining little game that it is.

The last piece is that in advance of the class update we're spending a lot more time planning and balancing before this content actually hits the game. We'll be introducing 15+ new orbs per class, and we're trying to make sure that when they launch the various synergies each class introduces will be feasible and interesting to use (even if they're not all perfectly balanced at first). Long-time Peglin players will know that I usually just throw content at the wall and then deal with it after-the-fact which can lead to things being horribly over or underpowered. That can definitely be fun sometimes but isn't necessarily how we want the first impressions of the classes to go!

So that's a little glimpse at what we've got going on over here and why this update has taken a little bit longer than usual and why we'll probably be a little slower for the next little bit as well. We're tremendously grateful that we get to do what we do because of all of your support and we're all working as hard as we possibly can to get Peglin to its 1.0 release while making it the best game we can. Thanks for sticking with us and I'll stop yammering on and get back to development work now ;)

All the best, Dylan & the RNG Team

v0.8.22 Patch Notes

Changes and New Content

Update v0.8.10 (December 2nd, 2022)

Update v0.8.9 (December 1st, 2022)

New Content and Changes
v0.8.9 addendum:

Update v0.8.6 (November 23th, 2022)

Content Changes
And one leftover patch note that was missed from v0.8.4:

Update v0.8.5 (November 19th, 2022)

Big Systemic Changes
UI Improvements
Content Changes

Update v0.7.56 (September 29th, 2022)

New Content
Balance Changes

Update v0.7.53 (September 21st, 2022)

Update v0.7.52 (September 14th, 2022)

New Content
Content/Balance Changes

Update v0.7.48 (August 19th, 2022)

New Content
Bugfixes & Improvements

Update v0.7.45 (August 3rd, 2022)


Update v0.7.42 (August 3rd, 2022)

New Features & Content
Balance Changes & Feature Improvements

Update v0.7.36 (July 12th, 2022)

Update v0.7.35 (July 6th, 2022)

Update v0.7.34 (June 30th, 2022)

New Content
Balance & General Changes

Update v0.7.28 (June 20th, 2022)

Update v0.7.27 (June 19th, 2022)

New Features
New Encounters

There's a new-old enemy that's been hinted at in our art for quite a while, and 3 new Forest encounters featuring it!

New Orbs
New Relics
Content Changes
Bug Fixes

Update v0.7.24 (May 30th, 2022)

Update v0.7.23 (May 28th, 2022)

New Content & Changes:

Update v0.7.20 (May 20th, 2022)

New Content/Improvements
Balance Changes




Update v0.7.17 (May 3rd, 2022)

Content & Tweaks:
Bug Fixes: