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Release Notes for Screencheat

Patch 3.3.0 (05 May 2016)

Changes, Additions and Improvements

Patch 3.2.1 (25th February 2016)

Changes, Additions and Improvements
Known Issues

Some players may have issues connecting a mix of X-Input and Direct Input controllers Due to an engine bug, increasing graphics quality from very low/low will crash the game on Windows. Upon re-launching the game, the graphics quality will be updated correctly. We will patch this as soon as Unity release a fix. Creating and leaving a LAN room may prevent players from being able to create or join LAN or online games until they close and re-open the game

Thanks for your help reporting and tracking these problems down. Happy screencheating!

Much Love, Samurai Punk


Patch 3.1.1 (25 January 2016)

Changes and Improvements
Known issues

Patch 3.0.3 (05 November 2015)

Fixes and Improvements
Known Issues

Patch 2.1.8 (15 September 2015)

Gameplay Fixes/Improvements:
UI Fixes/Improvements:
Known Issues:

Patch 2.1.6 (24 August 2015)

Bugfixes and Improvements
Known Issues

Patch 2.1.5 (07 August.2015)

Bomb Assault Design Revision:
Bugfixes and Improvements:
Known Issues

Patch 2.1.3 (07 August 2015)

Bugfixes and Improvements:

Patch 2.1 (05 May 2015)

Bug Fixes

Patch 2.0 - The Omega:(01 May.2015)

2 New Maps Added

Temple - A beautiful zen temple featuring jump pads, vent shortcuts and super high vantage points. Loop - A gravity defying map with a track running around the outside which the players follow all the way until the map flips and loops around back to the top, all set to a serene starlit vista.

New Weapon Added - The wall_Hacker

This new gun fires through walls as the name implies with a near infinite range. It can be either blindfired or charged to show a laser sight which can easily pin-point other players on their screens. The wall_Hacker is a precision weapon with a long reload time so aim your shots carefully.

New Game Mode - Gold Rush

Gold Rush pits players against each other in short rounds where the map is filled with gold coins. Players must collect as many coins as they can within the time limit to win. If you’re killed holding any coins you will drop half of them, allowing other players to rush in and claim your stash!

Support for up to 8 players Locally and Online

Lobbies can be created for 8 players, or switched into 8 player mode under the Lobby Settings menu. Local Lobbies now contain the Lobby Settings tab to support this.

Team Variant of All Modes (ex. Juggernaut)

All modes (excluding Juggernaut) now have team variants which allow for 2-4 teams to play against each other. These can be customised and saved as custom modes just like standard modes.


We’ve added 13 crazy Mutators which can be applied to any mode via the GameMode settings menu in the Lobby.

Online Improvements

Kick Voting - Players can now vote to kick each other from servers. They will be kicked if a majority votes for a single player to be kicked. Switching Host - The host is able to select any remote player in their lobby and assign them as host.

4 new Ragdolls

These can be unlocked by leveling up your profiles to new milestones.

Juicy Soundtrack Update

The official soundtrack by ana_mana has now been professionally mixed and mastered.

3 new achievements to unlock

Check them out in Library!

New Gamemode Settings
Design/Balance Changes
Other fixes and Improvements