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Release Notes for Production Line

Update 1.81 (20 October 2019)

Hope you like these changes. TBH 95% of players will not notice, but if you are playing large late-game maps, those bugs may have affected you and you might find the import flow analysis thing helpful for working out why some resources are causing a bottleneck. Feedback on this is welcome.

Update 1.80 (03 October 2019)

Update 1.79 (16 August 2019)

Hi all! Here is a relatively big update to the game with lots of cool stuff...

[version 1.79]

Hope ya like all these changes. I think the new lights look cool, and I'm glad I finally got around to expanding on the marketing options. let me know what you think :D

Update 1.78 (17 July 2019)

Hope you like these changes! Feedback welcome. I have a list of small GUI changes todo, and also plan on looking into some late game marketing options to boost sales for those ultra-huge factories.

Update 1.77 (24 June 2019)

Lots of UI improvements in this one. Here is the complete list

These changes mean that its now SUPER easy for me to change the color palette used for the UI, so I'm very open to feedback on that (FWIW its a file inside \data\bitmaps called color_palette.png, you can edit it yourself).

Hopefully the extra data that is now shown when hovering the mouse over a feature on the vehicle design screen is helpful tom players. This calculates the actual real world cost of the resources required, taking into account cases where you are producing some or all of them in-house, and how much the raw materials thus cost. Thanks for all your support, ideas, and kind words about the game.

Update 1.76 (05 June 2019)

Hi everyone! A bunch of cool new improvements covering all areas of the game, here is the complete list:

Hope you like the changes. I have more improvements planned for the charting and reporting stuff. Some of that formatting could be improved. I also want a more elegant way of breaking down component import costs. Hopefully the game will have slightly less micro-managing of prices now, and for people on massive, slow custom maps, performance should have been boosted a lot.

Please let me know here if this update has introduced any new issues. The known 'problems' I am aware of are:

Thanks for all your support in offering suggestions and advice to improve the game, and for continuing to support my little company :D

Update 1.75 (18 May 2019)

[version 1.75]

BTW the latest blog video can be found here: https://youtu.be/KPXwpP9ZS2o

Update 1.74 (01 May 2019)

Doors that go like this DLC released

[version 1.74]

Update 1.73 (17 April 2019)

Right...we have not had a list of changes this big for a while. Some good ones in here, I'm excited about changes to the price slider. I know its not perfect, but I think its way better. Plus the rapid shipping thing is cool. And yet more performance improvements (I'm determined to have it running silky smooth for you people with insane-size factories).

Hope you like the changes. if I have broken anything at all, please let me know!

Update 1.72 (01 April 2019)

Hey all! Any update with any crash fixes is getting prioritised for release, so here is another update. We have made a big performance increase that you will really notice if you have big maps or a very low spec PC. We also fixed some obscure crashes, and there are some nice UI tweaks too (I'm especially happy to finally get that click-production-schedule notice thing in there!). Hope you like the changes :D

Hope you like the changes. More GUI tweaks and balance tweaks to come in the next few weeks. Plus maybe some cool new content... :D If you like the game, PLEASE leave us a positive review, it is so appreciated when people do that and only takes a minute or two!

Update 1.71 (22 March 2019)

Hey everyone. This is mostly a bug fix update, but we also added in much requested sliders for both autosave frequency and camera panning speed to the options menu. Here is a complete changelist:

We plan to revamp some of the pathfinding code before the next update which will lead (hopefully) to better performance on really large maps (especially custom ones with lots of extra importers). I also have plans to work on the following: A button to toggle off all blueprints A button to reset the advisors advice so you can see it again after toggling it off. Allowing you to change the order of items in the production queue.

A big thankyou to everybody has been buying and reviewing the game. If you are enjoying it, and have not already done so, please leave us a positive review, its one of the best ways for us to get attention for the game!

Update 1.70 (13 March 2019)

Quite a small patch this time, just to address some items that came up now we have a larger playerbase hammering the game. Here are the changes.

We have a list of things we will be working on over the next week or two, including a fix for the financial totals screwing up if they go beyond 2 billion dollars, improvements to the UI to allow changing the order of car production, better explanations for which slot is missing next, and making camera pan speed configurable.

I'm also aware of a bug where music stops after a certain amount of time for some players, and that there is a crash bug relating to the maintenance facility for some players. I'll also be looking into making it easier to copy existing lines at some point, and looking into some code optimisations too.

Eventually we will get working on an expansion too :D

Update 1.68 (01 March 2019)

Hi there! This is the last feature-update before we come out of In Development. The next week is likely to just be bug fixing and usability/UI tweaks and fixes. Here is the list of new stuff:

[version 1.68]

Hope you like the new stuff. feedback most welcome, as are bug reports, we really want a bug-free emergence from In Development. Many thanks to all your support while the game was in development. Suggestions for future updates also welcome. if you like the game and have not yet left a review, it is much appreciated!

Update 1.67 (12 February 2019)

Hi everyone! A quick update before we add swedish translation and translations for the new in-game playerguide. Hope you like these fixes and improvements to the game:

[version 1.67]

Hope you like these changes. We have now raised the price to $24.99, as we get closer towards the release out of "in development". We also plan to add a few more remappable keys, and maybe improve some aspoects of the GUI before release, please vote on the priorities from within the game. Thanks for your support, it is much appreciated! BTW the latest developer video blog showing off some of these features can be found here: https://youtu.be/JpK6Egzs148

Update 1.66 (28 January 2019)

Hi everyone. This new update marks us declaring that the game is now BETA. That means we are not planning any more major new features pre-release (although we are very likely to continue updating the game post-release). This also means we will be shifting direction more towards bug fixes, tweaks and improvements to stuff like the tutorial.

PLUS WE ARE PLANNING ON RAISING THE PRICE. (We cannot do this until 12th Feb, which is when it will go to $24.95).

Here are the changes in the new version released today:


Hope you like these new changes. Don't forget to tell your friends who may be thinking of getting the game that the price goes up soon! If you have any feedback on this update please let me know. Like I say, we are mostly looking to tweak, balance and improve the tutorial at this point.

Thanks to everyone who continue to support the game, it is much appreciated, this game would not be as good as it is without the supportive community here and on our website, reddit etc. BTW our latest developer video blog is here: https://youtu.be/1ckjeT2fJaQ

Update 1.65 (11 January 2019)

Better Stats GUI, Raised platforms Map editor overhaul

Hope you like these. I do plan to (at last!) start working on world events soon That will include stuff like regulatory changes affecting seatbelts & airbags, increased demand for electric & hybrid vehicles (or changes to resource prices due to global events) and so on...

Update 1.64 (24 December 2018)

The liquid cooled welding, rotatable previews and the new customisation options for factory floors etc are likely the most important changes in this build. I've also started work on improvements to the usability of the level editor, which will be in the next patch at the start of next year.

Please let me know if this update causes problems or introduces any new bugs etc. Also thanks to everyone buying the game for your support over the last year, and many thanks to everyone who likes or tweets our developer blogs, and tell their friends about the game, its much appreciated!

Update 1.63 (09 December 2018)

Time for the roll out of a new update. Here is the list of changes in this build:

Thanks to everyone who playtested some of these features in the unstable build as that was good feedback on the advisers, which are now less annoying!

All feedback and suggestions are most welcome!

Update 1.62 (19 November 2018)

Chip research, Preventative Maintenance, Smart Junction varieties & more

Hi all! I just pushed build 1.62 out to everyone! here are the changes:

[version 1.62]

Hope you like the new stuff. Advisers coming soon. As ever, all feedback is welcome, don't forget to vote on our priorities from the main menu, and if you really like the game, a review is always welcome and a tweet, Facebook or Reddit post is always super-welcome too!

Update 1.61 (30 October 2018)

Loads of cool stuff this time :D

Update 1.60 (10 October 2018)

This is an update I've been looking forward to setting live, as it has a bunch of cool stuff in it :D here is the full list:

Update 1.59 (13 September 2018)

Hi, here are the latest updates:

[version 1.59]

You can find the latest developer video blog, which talks about some of these changes here:


The upcoming changes in the next build are likely to include some UI improvements, along with the addition of extra wheel and front grille options. We are also experimenting with glossier rendering for the cars. Don't forget to vote on your priorities at the main menu, and thanks to everybody wwho reviews the game.

Update 1.58 (29 August 2018)

Feedback on the new maintenance stuff is very welcome. I'll be working on improving some minor usability things in the next few days, and also investigating some reported issues when it comes to headlights and resources being refunded and re-ordered. There should be new artwork arriving soon which will mean a bunch of new content to come over the next few weeks.

Update 1.57 (10 August 2018)

Update 1.55 (18 July 2018)

Hope you like the changes. The pricing model tries to approximate sensible prices from older save games, so its very likely that when you first load in an old save game, you will need to do some price fiddling to start with. This is the last update before I go away on a much needed holiday for 2 weeks soon, so there will be a slight pause in updates, but there will be a ton of cool stuff to do when I get back, especially as I should have some extra artwork content by then :D

Patch 1.54 (09 July 2018)

Patch 1.53 (27 June 2018)

Patch 1.52 (08 June 2018)

Patch 1.51 (01 June 2018)

Patch 1.50 (08 May 2018)

Patch 1.49 (26 April 2018)

Patch 1.47 Hotfix (14 March 2018)

Patch 1.47 (12 March 2018)

Patch 1.46 (02 March 2018)

Patch 1.45a (02 March 2018)

Patch 1.45 Hotfix (21 February 2018)

Patch 1.44 (07 February 2018)

Patch 1.43 (07 February 2018)

Patch 1.42a (16 January 2018)

Patch 1.42 (10 January 2018)

Patch 1.41 (21 December 2017)

Patch 1.4 (01 December 2017)

Known Issues:

Patch 1.39 (21 November 2017)

Patch 1.38 (14 November 2017)

Patch 1.37 (03 November 2017)

Patch 1.35 (23 October 2017)

Patch 1.34 (17 October 2017)

Patch 1.33 (11 October 2017)

Patch 1.32 (27 September 2017)

Patch 1.31 (06 September 2017)

Patch 1.30 (24 August 2017)

Patch 1.29 (18 August 2017)

Patch 1.28 (01 August 2017)

Patch 1.27 (20 July 2017)

Patch 1.26 (20 July 2017)

Patch 1.25 (26 June 2017)

Patch 1.24 (19 June 2017)

Patch 1.23 (12 June 2017)

Patch 1.22 (02 June 2017)

Don't forget to vote on the priorities. We have new car body styles arranged, but they will take a while. I plan on taking a look at making a better financial model for the next patch.

Patch 1.21 (29 May 2017)

Hi all! We just patched the game again today. here are the changes:

I know we still have some balance issues, especially financially speaking. We do intend to get a system in place that models different markets for each car body style, along with markets at different price points, which will add some interesting decisions regarding pricing, and also make the game feel more realistic. I'm also very well aware that some of the games mechanics need mroe iun the way of tutorial and explanation, especially the whole process of researching and unlocking upgrades. This patch improves that to an extent, but I knoww we need to go much further.

I hope you like the improvements made in this version.

Patch 1.20 (23 May 2017)

Hi everyone! First of all MANY THANKS for being a part of the early access for this game, I really appreciate it. If you don't already know, I'm a lone designer/programmer and feeling a bit overwhelmed with issues right now!. Anyway...

This update is 1.20 and it contains the following changes:

[version 1.20]

Now I KNOW some of you will be thinking WTF? about number 10, but this is in there because it was already 50% done when we wwent into EA so I couldnt patch the game without finishing it. I am aware that some people have crash bugs, and this is my #1 priority from tommorow morning (I need sleep!). i also think I may have fixed some fo the crash bugs with this patch.

I am fully aware we need some serious tutorial love, and that the balance of the original release sucked! This release is MUCH better balanced.

Sorry if you experienced crashes and bad balance, this should help a bit, much more help on the way. Try out the new feature. Explanation coming soon...