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Distant Worlds 2 - Build 57024215155225811

Basic Info

Build ID 57024215155225811
Install directory Distant Worlds 2/
Root product ID 1562671603
Build pubished 2023-11-08 15:13
Branch Not set
URL https://gog-cdn-fastly.gog.com/content-system/v2/meta/83/2f/832fdd27d9c1fc66ac0d0811a25c9a5c
Tags csb_10_6_1_w_147, galaxy
Client ID 55133263045514413
Client secret 62f7439d1e458cad9b443b8ee3205c8e6a759bf11ae157ffc140dc323ffc2c7a
Dependencies dotNet472, MSVC2015, MSVC2015_x64, dotNetDesktopRuntime60_x64
Script interpreter True
Generation 2


Name Product ID Script Temp executable Temp arguments
Distant Worlds 2 1562671603
Distant Worlds 2: Factions - Ikkuro and Dhayut 1340232890
Distant Worlds 2: Factions - Quameno and Gizureans 1767592251


Languages Product ID Size Bitness Attribute Manifest ID
en-US 1562671603 13.5 GB Any 030b0914fb29e0c3fa96f56b321f83af
en-US 1562671603 114.4 MB Any 7fde5e785cbce895f13d1912280d0a61
en-US 1562671603 110.6 kB Any GOG 9f159982cdbd8f75bdd92456c22dae04
en-US 1562671603 1.2 kB Any GOG cfd8b11c299fc19fb6a5d5c5a051ee71
* 1562671603 38 Bytes Any GOG e700a4010f2a98ab8c499274ad18c6bd
en-US 1340232890 1.5 GB Any 1bea7732a3198218261f5d5950b68bd6
en-US 1340232890 8.3 kB Any GOG 49dc873255e6114bfccb459faedd18fe
en-US 1340232890 308 Bytes Any GOG 54e3dc9bd983ed10c497cc6fef0e30c1
en-US 1767592251 3.7 GB Any 8f89f1be7c5743572b72d0227063e251
en-US 1767592251 5.5 kB Any GOG 0a545d528e092759adf16eff5949041f
en-US 1767592251 312 Bytes Any GOG 9b38e3fcd578a3cbd5646afebee0e7aa
* 1562671603 4.5 kB Any Offline 06b71c505a12e6bc4fe399fa409fca83