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Warsim: The Realm of Aslona - Build 57070881335185088

Basic Info

Build ID 57070881335185088
Install directory Warsim The Realm of Aslona/
Root product ID 1574775422
Build pubished 2023-11-24 16:56
Branch Not set
Version Warsim 1.1 (lil' Throne room and exploration content pack, 25 features and 9 bug fixes)
URL https://gog-cdn-fastly.gog.com/content-system/v2/meta/8a/fa/8afa7cd248777b84bd5274560d4e8221
Tags editor_v_1_5_0, csb_10_6_6_w_2
Client ID 55583171395055538
Client secret 8f3eead1076b239e2b814f5b6b74f41d124f36af81188cdcc874bbb20f8224f4
Dependencies None
Script interpreter True
Generation 2


Name Product ID Script Temp executable Temp arguments
Warsim: The Realm of Aslona 1574775422


Languages Product ID Size Bitness Attribute Manifest ID
en-US 1574775422 544.5 MB Any 402188d5a52f448ee7c482f16961128c
en-US 1574775422 36.2 kB Any GOG 06aa43e3996aa56df762093a729f2447
en-US 1574775422 564 Bytes Any GOG d950165c255c31bebb9c461c9187672f
* 1574775422 1.6 kB Any Offline f3a88936375d1b7c6bd97fbf25b230b1