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Release Notes for NecroBouncer

Patch 1.1.2 (8th March, 2023)

New Game +

After defeating the game for the first time, you will now unlock the first set of negative modifiers with which you can increase the difficulty of the game. You can then choose and enable any or more modifiers. Each modifier will have its own difficulty score and you will need to reach a certain threshold to unlock the next set of modifiers when beating the game again. Some positive modifiers will also unlock every few times you lose a run, and with them you can decrease the difficulty of the game.


Power gems are no longer obtainable from levelling up, but instead, a new special room reward has been added (Relic Reward), which is shown on the map the same as the normal relic reward but with a different image. The first time each floor, this reward will give you 1 random power gem to equip and each subsequent one will give you one of the gem specific relics (for which you have a power gem in an active slot). Gem equipping scene / menu has been redesigned so it is more clear and a bunch of small graphical and practical issues have been fixed. When getting to the chest, the player now first hits the chest open, from which the selected random gem pops up and only after that the menu opens.


Epic relics in normal reward rooms are now much rarer - they can only appear in the last quarter of the floor and the chance for them to appear there is 0.5% instead of 6%. (0.625% with the Whip). After every boss fight, instead of getting a random relic dropped on the floor, you go to a reward room after and get to choose from a random selection of epic relics (rare relics replace epic relics if there is not enough of them).


Added 2 new items to the bar: Strong Drink - Remove a random debuff. Costs 40 gold and increases by 40 each time it is purchased (even if on different floors). Big Tip - Refresh the bar (refreshes all items in the bar). Costs 25 and increases by 100% every time it is purchased (even if on different floors).


Roulette Rounds Enemies have a 16/33% chance to spawn an explosion when getting hit by a ranged attack Very Old Champagne Increase the chance for cursed relics to appear by 100/200% Christmas Tree Increase the chance for health to drop by 100/200%


Patch 1.0.4 (12th December, 2022)


Patch 1.0.3 (9th December, 2022)


Patch 1.0.2 (9th December, 2022)

Relic Changes