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Release Notes for Breathedge

Update (03 September 2019)

Comrades! The time has come to dust off your spacesuits, put on your space diapers, and wrap yourself in electrical tape because Breathedge continues!

Everyone was expecting us to shift the release date again and made beautiful posters with obscene slogans. Well, that was in vain. Today, in spite of global warming, two new chapters of the epic saga about the simple Man will be released (or they have been released already if you are reading this piece of news a bit later than it was planned).

Before briefly describing what the new chapters are about, we cannot help but share a unique commercial from the Breathedge Global Funeral Agency, which you can easily see on TV if your calendar shows the year 2073. Let’s go!


Here we are! The future is beautiful, or do you still have any doubts about it? We don’t have any either. We’ve got a small trailer left, timed to the release of the new chapters, and designed to show that we can fill in the background with the red color and make large captions right on top of the video.


Breathedge will have two new chapters telling the further story of the Man, his immortal chicken, Babe, coffin robots, and the wrecked liner “Unnamed”. This is not the end of the story, however, the denouement is near. Probably.

The game’s world will expand because the story can be continued only in new places. In general, this is what will appear in the game: several cubic kilometers of garbage, 40,000 new words, about 120 interesting and extremely useless points with collectibles, 6 cutscenes (with poor animation, we remember we promised that), and 530 new voiced lines of the cheerful spacesuit. Or maybe not 530, but something around that number.

There will be even more items for littering your pockets with: about 15 new resources; about 15 new tools, from a blaster to a brand new enhanced handy scrapper and a grenade; a dozen new types of equipment, which will include various types of spacesuits each having their own special features (if you don’t mind dragging them around with you).

Finally, the Man gets to own a car and a “Rocket” vacuum cleaner. It’s prohibited to drive them without a license, but you’ll do anything to survive, won’t you?

We’d also like to mention some robots that will bring life to this uncosy and dark space. Well, it’s not quite accurate to call it “life” when it comes to robots, but at least they can move sometimes and even shoot you in the back.

The construction of space stations will become a large and difficult thing for learning. You can construct them anywhere, and as many as you want. Or not construct them at all. Although surviving in space will be much harder without a station. You can use a station to rest and fill in the oxygen, or you can use it as a luxurious home for a real bachelor, with a bed, a TV, a food processor for crafting stuff, dead comrades, a shiny toilet, dozens of different items, equipment, and decor. There are about 50 different blocks and decor elements, that is if you find their blueprints.

There will be more languages. All three chapters will be not only in Russian and English but also in German, French, and Chinese languages (although the audio will still be available only in Russian and English, at least for now).

And certainly, there will be more other small pleasant things, such as different game modes, even for those who don’t like wasting their oxygen, dozens of achievements, a minigame, more settings, freezing autosaves, and even an easy way out by using Alt+F4.

That’s it!

Or not? It’s more like a “not”, as it’s not the game release. The story of the Man isn’t over yet, but we are planning to finish it by two more chapters, as cool and boring as they can be. We won’t tell you about our future plans, but we will certainly let you know when we have any.

And another important thing: due to the fact that the current update is way bigger than when it was initially, it affected all the possible parts of the projects, including the ones in the first chapter. If you used to see beautiful space earlier, but after the update you see a beautiful prince trying to kiss you instead — don’t hesitate and tell us about it in Discord, or send us your messenger chicken.

