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Svarog's Dream

Product ID 1821794307
Product type Game
API availability Galaxy + Store API
In store Yes
Developers VI Game Forge
Publisher VI Game Forge
Last updated 2024-07-27 05:01
Prices Details References Downloads Builds Media Changelog


Start End Base Final Discount
2024-03-28 2024-04-11 $21 $16.8 20%
2024-04-11 2024-07-27 $21 $21 -
To view old (pre 2019) price data click here.


Slug svarogs_dream
Tags Action, Adventure, Exploration
Features Achievements, Cloud saves, Overlay, Single-player
Localizations English
Is using Dosbox No
Supported sytems W
Content system compatibility W
Added to DB on 2024-03-28

Store Details

Global release date 2023-12-04
GOG release date 2024-03-28
Store state default
Age rating No rating
Is in development No
Store link https://www.gog.com/game/svarogs_dream
Forum link https://www.gog.com/forum/svarogs_dream
Support link https://www.gog.com/support/svarogs_dream


Logo https://images.gog-statics.com/6a51c71ebbc930a6844cfe93d2e27db1f2ffffaeef2fa230cad4f73c13fa3ad7.jpg
Background https://images.gog-statics.com/16826da6a62e096b287769519f95d91ef6163d2796860ca7356def4269c2901c.jpg
Icon https://images.gog-statics.com/4e88ea617dbe26c8fa672953685a8645bff3c66d113dea4dd7d52eeecbe16a90.jpg
Galaxy background https://images.gog-statics.com/2a36fd929a7891278477f49b894d2b2ce2c46f289628c041bd8d2a1bd6d6701e.jpg
Boxart https://images.gog-statics.com/0cb4fc0e6ff6971fac5cbd674043cd456474d0f99c5d350ca8b01821d0b08363.jpg
Square icon https://images.gog-statics.com/66f778f58f2cdde9cca979ea3536abbf1caa2956c29001f143dbbd4953086b2f.jpg

API Links

Galaxy API https://api.gog.com/products/1821794307?expand=downloads,expanded_dlcs,description,screenshots,videos,related_products,changelog
Store API https://api.gog.com/v2/games/1821794307
Store API V1 (deprecated) https://api.gog.com/v1/games/1821794307
Galaxy GamesDB https://gamesdb.gog.com/platforms/gog/external_releases/1821794307
Builds Windows https://content-system.gog.com/products/1821794307/os/windows/builds?generation=2
Builds macOS Unavailable
GOG DB data https://www.gogdb.org/data/products/1821794307

Third Party Sites

PCGamingWiki https://pcgamingwiki.com/api/gog.php?page=1821794307
No references to other games.


Name OS Language Size Version
Svarog's Dream W English 5.9 GB 5.2.3


Build ID OS Version Date Gen Repository ID
57739856814161014 W 5.2.3 2024-07-12 2 9b2a2a639b1e253e26a93312453a3e95
57686837169145259 W 5.2.1 2024-06-24 2 f938b821cf95ee6cf7129fad0a9f8412
57683814573042682 W 5.2.0 2024-06-23 2 22210afe4658108bd4e807d316aec058
57660342496232413 W 5.1.2 2024-06-15 2 937ed63b14fccf46d266849a25b1767c
57651051161600988 W 5.1.1 2024-06-11 2 1a2c39074d68b290ccbfbd37ac8941dc
57646000873382687 W 5.1.0b 2024-06-10 2 0188c56f6b89e08a25a026640e7f97d7
57645127778555194 W 5.1.0 2024-06-09 2 bd16c907aaa3ccf98ee9c4c26bf2a0fc
57634229388557492 W 5.0.9 2024-06-06 2 5c35c6ac7ecd3ed5a01355dfe7ade46a
57628797194732461 W 5.0.8 2024-06-04 2 5e003b1a5d072bb0720bb54b70ecda6e
57606343558147326 W 5.0.6 2024-05-27 2 d83701b6a128cc3e19e266e1c838cc7b
57593905668628892 W 5.0.3 2024-05-23 2 b112c93ce75f6434c8b0000821464af5
57588365141486886 W 5.0.1 2024-05-21 2 6f5ef2b347b2c821bc78d4b89b24e625
57577596223520121 W 5.0.0 2024-05-17 2 6c99ff2f0b475807542e9d0817b4cc71
57459047640691560 W 3.9.4 2024-04-06 2 3518f1c0eba6f6f8b116ae126569f875
57440185975845149 W 3.9.3 2024-03-31 2 4f01e1bf31c7415e1033fd587059d843
57439208721549824 W 3.9.2 2024-03-30 2 a4b714a573a20f11164030b7a7adc905
57419300268507756 W 3.9.1 2024-03-23 2 62803ead8f25d68b5fbb7245a55f8254
57419232658548965 W 3.9.0 2024-03-23 2 02f9d0e32c35358374bf5773beecf428
57385928385638621 W 3.8.71 2024-03-12 2 15b823ca187f3d4c3e220b9d9f2e2d7f
57385879183061105 W 3.8.7 2024-03-12 2 a30098f4ceb0ae98ef8c3227dcf13088
57385335053805529 W 3.8.6 2024-03-12 2 bcc6a41fa98c1ccd08eec91fcb7cf7ad




This game has official release notes, you can read them here.
o Download changed: Installer, Svarog's Dream, Windows, en
Version 5.2.1 ⇒ 5.2.3, Size 5.8 GB ⇒ 5.9 GB
+ Build added: 57739856814161014 2024-07-12
o Download changed: Installer, Svarog's Dream, Windows, en
Version 5.2.0 ⇒ 5.2.1, Size 5.8 GB ⇒ 5.8 GB
+ Build added: 57686837169145259 2024-06-24
o Download changed: Installer, Svarog's Dream, Windows, en
Version 5.1.2 ⇒ 5.2.0, Size 5.8 GB ⇒ 5.8 GB
+ Build added: 57683814573042682 2024-06-23
o Download changed: Installer, Svarog's Dream, Windows, en
Version 5.1.1 ⇒ 5.1.2, Size 5.8 GB ⇒ 5.8 GB
+ Build added: 57660342496232413 2024-06-15
+ Build added: 57651051161600988 2024-06-11
o Download changed: Installer, Svarog's Dream, Windows, en
Version 5.1.0b ⇒ 5.1.1, Size 5.8 GB ⇒ 5.8 GB
+ Build added: 57646000873382687 2024-06-10
o Download changed: Installer, Svarog's Dream, Windows, en
Version 5.1.0 ⇒ 5.1.0b, Size 5.8 GB ⇒ 5.8 GB
+ Build added: 57645127778555194 2024-06-09
o Download changed: Installer, Svarog's Dream, Windows, en
Version 5.0.9 ⇒ 5.1.0, Size 5.8 GB ⇒ 5.8 GB
o Download changed: Installer, Svarog's Dream, Windows, en
Version 5.0.8 ⇒ 5.0.9, Size 5.9 GB ⇒ 5.8 GB
+ Build added: 57634229388557492 2024-06-06
o Download changed: Installer, Svarog's Dream, Windows, en
Version 5.0.6 ⇒ 5.0.8, Size 5.8 GB ⇒ 5.9 GB
+ Build added: 57628797194732461 2024-06-04
+ Build added: 57606343558147326 2024-05-27
o Download changed: Installer, Svarog's Dream, Windows, en
Version 5.0.3 ⇒ 5.0.6, Size 5.8 GB ⇒ 5.8 GB
+ Build added: 57593905668628892 2024-05-23
o Download changed: Installer, Svarog's Dream, Windows, en
Version 5.0.1 ⇒ 5.0.3, Size 5.8 GB ⇒ 5.8 GB
o Download changed: Installer, Svarog's Dream, Windows, en
Version 5.0.0 ⇒ 5.0.1, Size 5.8 GB ⇒ 5.8 GB
+ Build added: 57588365141486886 2024-05-21
+ Build added: 57577596223520121 2024-05-17
o Download changed: Installer, Svarog's Dream, Windows, en
Version 3.9.4 ⇒ 5.0.0, Size 5.7 GB ⇒ 5.8 GB
+ Build added: 57459047640691560 2024-04-06
o Download changed: Installer, Svarog's Dream, Windows, en
Version 3.9.3 ⇒ 3.9.4, Size 5.7 GB ⇒ 5.7 GB
+ Build added: 57440185975845149 2024-03-31
o Download changed: Installer, Svarog's Dream, Windows, en
Version 3.9.2 ⇒ 3.9.3, Size 5.7 GB ⇒ 5.7 GB
+ Build added: 57439208721549824 2024-03-30
o Download changed: Installer, Svarog's Dream, Windows, en
Version 3.9.1 ⇒ 3.9.2, Size 5.7 GB ⇒ 5.7 GB
+ Product added to DB 2024-03-28